Inaccurately fitting dentures are the major cause of a lot of the problems with dentures and there is a technology and art to creating a perfect fit, which Dr. Bursich & Associates employ.
Another major cause of denture problems is poor alignment and poor bite (the way your teeth come together and function). Our dental dentures services ensure your dentures are properly aligned, either with each other or with the remainder of your teeth.
Aligning the dentures correctly will also give you a more attractive look and prevent premature wrinkles around the lips or at the corners of the mouth.
Implants consist of a titanium post that acts like the root of your tooth and an O-ring that is incorporated into the base of your denture. This makes your denture much more stable and prevents it from slipping. The denture will not come out unless you want to remove it.
Implants can function as long-term supporting structures. The most effective use of this unique dental product is securing a lower denture. The procedure is simple, and Dr. Bursich & his associates can place implants here in our office.
Where appropriate and needed, Dr. Bursich and his associates recommends the use of dental implants to stabilize your dentures. This has the added benefit of deterring bone loss. Loss of bone in your mouth can cause eventual difficulties with wearing dentures, jaw problems and even change the appearance of your face, giving it a sunken look.
It is important that you make the right decisions and get the right dental dentures services for you. Give us a call to schedule a No-Charge consultation with Dr. Bursich or one of his associates so that he can help you make these decisions and have teeth that provide you the quality of life you deserve.