If there is one cosmetic dental clinic in Burke, Virginia that provides quality and durable porcelain veneers to clients, it’s Kings Park Dental Center. With our cosmetic dental services such as composite veneers, patients can now achieve the look they admire from actors, models, beauty queens, and personalities from dental TV ad campaigns who have a perfect set of teeth. Having this kind of teeth is attainable.
Dental veneers or porcelain veneers are thin custom-made shells designed to cover the teeth surface in order to improve appearance. The nature of veneers can be compared to artificial fingernails placed on top of natural nails. We offer porcelain veneers in Burke, Virginia that can change the color, shape, size, or length of the teeth.
Veneers provide effective solutions for discoloured, chipped, worn down, stained, misaligned, and uneven teeth. They are also used to fix irregularly shaped teeth and teeth with spaces in between.
Dentists may place a single veneer over a natural tooth to repair its fracture or discoloration. Otherwise, they place multiple veneers over the entire teeth set for a total transformation!
Treatment planning is key to a successful veneer application. Patients will need to explain what they want to achieve as the dentist performs the procedure. Veneers are not suitable for everyone, one reason why X-rays and impressions of the patient’s mouth and teeth are conducted to ensure the utmost safety.
Our experienced dentists provide high-quality porcelain veneers in Burke, Virginia that last for many years, another advantage that patients may want to consider. They can chip or break like the natural teeth, but the small chipping can be repaired or a new veneer may be placed.