If you feel metal braces are not for you because of the stereotypes they bring, Kings Park Dental Center has years of experience delivering straight teeth and healthy attractive smiles Invisalign dental braces. It is not just a technical service, it is also a work of art.
Invisalign is an FDA-approved orthodontic treatment that places a virtually invisible method to straighten out teeth without using metal braces. It is comprised of a custom-made set of transparent, removable aligners that will gradually reposition the teeth.
Unlike braces that are less hygienic because small pieces of food are stuck in between brushing, the Invisalign teeth straightening method is more hygienic. It can be removed before brushing, flossing, or eating. And if you feel not wearing something during occasions, you may opt to remove Invisalign to maximize comfort.
Plus, mouth abrasions and wounds patients complain about when using traditional braces are absent with Invisalign.